Friday, August 26, 2011

3 Months Already!

Well, no more iddy bitty newborns around this house...we have a 15 lbs baby on our hands! And he is the sweetest thing ever. Seriously! He just smiles and coos all the time and rarely cries...what a precious boy!

Right now he has his first ear infection and I just feel so bad for him! He's been a trooper throughout it all but I know he can't be feeling well :( And the poor kid apparently got my ears because I had a TON of ear infections growing up. Lucky him!

Davis had other firsts as well...his first time to the beach! We went down to Galveston with my side of the family at the end of July and had a blast! It was sooo nice to get away and have a change of scenery. Davis has also started rolling from his back to his tummy. And he's started of the best sounds ever!

So I went back to work 3 weeks ago and the transition has gone pretty well. Davis has done great at school...which I really wasn't worried about since he's so laid back. Garrison is still adjusting...he moved up to the 2-3 year old class when he came back. We love the teacher and a lot of his friends moved up with him, so I'm sure he'll be adjusted soon enough. I think he just really enjoyed being home with Davis and I full time. And it hasn't really helped the situation that both boys were home sick all last consistency yet!

And Garrison is just becoming more and more of a character. Seriously, this kid is FUNNY! I'm going to have a post dedicated to him in the next week or so...I just have to share all the funny things he's saying and doing. Love him!!

And I wanted to post some pics...but blogger is giving me an error message! Errr. Does anyone know an easy way to post pics on blogger?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Funny little guy

So Garrison is pretty hilarious.  Here's a few funny things he's saying these days:

Sarrison - Garrison
tornado - tomato
gramra - camera
weazer - weed eater
ham - hammer
nalmonds (normans) - almonds