Monday, September 21, 2009

Scariest day. Ever.

So we had a very scary and emotional weekend. Here's the story...Saturday morning Garrison got up late (8ish), I fed him, we played for a while. He was running a low grade fever (upper 99 to low 100) as he had been since Wednesday. I was feeding him again around 11 when all the sudden he started having a seizure. Okay, even typing this makes me have a sick feeling in my stomach and tears in my eyes. So I start freaking out and telling Bryan what happened. He comes and sits down next to us and Garrison has another one. Bryan picks him up and Garrison stops and then falls right to sleep on Bryan's shoulder. We call the pediatrician's office, throw our stuff together and head over to Texas Children's Hospital. We then spend the next 10 hours there seeing several doctors and getting lots of horrible tests run. I say horrible because they were very painful for Garrison and excruciating to watch. Because Garrison's so young and the fact that he wasn't running an "official" fever (over 100.3 in infants) the doctors were not sure if it was a Febrile seizure or something else, like menengitis. So they had to take a blood sample - putting an IV in my poor baby's hand, urine sample - they had to stick a tube up his you-know-what (ouchie!!), do a CT scan (Which doesn't sound all that bad, but they had to wrap him up so tight he couldn't move and it was clearly very scary for him. I'm just glad Bryan and I could be right there with him.), and finally a Lumbar Puncture where they took 3, yes, THREE vials of spinal fluid. I have never seen my baby cry so much and so hard in my life. I'm just so sad he had to go through all that.

So the test results all came back normal. The doctor came in to talk with us and the deal is that they are really not sure what caused it. It could have been a febrile seizure but just to make sure it's not something more serious we have to come back and do an outpatient EEG.

Garrison was acting pretty much normal, so the doctor released him and we finally got out of the hospital at 10 PM. WHAT AN EXHAUSTING DAY. Once we got home I fed our sweet boy and put him to bed. He hadn't really slept all day so he was sooo tired. We thought for sure that he would sleep for like 12 hours. Boy were we wrong. He woke up at 1 AM and was basically awake screaming on and off the rest of the night. The only way he would sleep was if he was laying on me and then if I moved, even just alittle, he would wake up and scream and we'd start all over. It was horrible because we didn't know what was going on - we just knew something was not right. He NEVER cries like that. The next morning we called the pediatrician on call and she said it's because he's hurting from all the procedures. DUH! So we gave him Tylenol the rest of the day and he did much better.

So that's the story. Pretty terrifying. Hopefully it will never happen again.

P.S. I'm not going to proof read this before posting because I just don't want to get upset all over again. Excuse the typos.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Seriously y'all, he's exceptional

So I know I'm partial, but Garrison is one special kid. Today he rolled from his back onto his tummy. Wow! He's still 3 months old! They say babies don't master that until they're 6 months old but I saw him do it 5 times today. He's been rolling from his front to his back for the past 3 weeks, but that seems to be an easier task that his new trick. I'm just a proud mommy, what can I say?
Here's a pic of another new trick of his...
I came to daycare to pick him up a couple weeks ago and Laura, his AWESOME teacher, was holding him while he was HOLDING HIS OWN BOTTLE. She was like "Look at this!!" And I was like "Is that normal?!?" And she said "No! He's advanced!" So see, it's not just me. Pretty much everyone that meets him thinks he's awesome and special :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some pics of guess who?!

Here are some pics from the end of July and August. A lot are already up on Facebook, but there are some new ones too!

Playin' with Gigi...
Here Garrison is doin' some tummy time on his cool dragon blanket...
"Eww, look at theses horns"
"Hey Mom! Look how far I scooted off the blanket!"
Garrison got his first cold and shared it with Mama. Here's a pic of the sick duo...
Bad parenting or genious? Don't judge us :)
Daddy dressed Garrison up in his preppiest outfit...
And put the matching bib on like a cape...
Bryan gets this look a lot...
And this big gummy smile too!
Kathleen had the Fleetie Sweeties over for August Birthdays (Happy Birthday Jamie, Rachel, & Carrie!) and to celebrate Rachel's engagement to Christian...
Garrison fell asleep on his buddy, Jamie. Note the drool on her shoulder...
After the party Bryan and I put Garrison in Luke's cool swing...
Wanda and Garrison at Terri's bridal shower...
I love the look on his face in this one...
He gets this cute little intense look on his face when he's on his jungle mat...
On the weekends I like to wake Bryan up by putting Garrison in bed with him...
We love the Bumbo! Yehaw!
Gigi and Pops went to Reno and brought this cute hat back for the little man...
"Check out the baby mohawk that Daddy gave me!"
"Check out my muscles!"
My little cutie all clean and happy after his bath..."Oooh, my hands are sooo interesting"
He's pretty cute, don't you think?