Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall is here!!!

Ahhh...the weather today was AhhMAZING! To celebrate the nice weather, Garrison and I went to a playground and hung out for a while. It was so nice! No sweating or feeling uncomfortable...we loved it :) I am sooo ready for this change all the fall weather.

On an unrelated note, Garrison has 3 molars coming in!!! THREE! And he weighs 27 lbs. 11 oz. He is a quite the stocky boy!

Here's some pics of our boy with the many faces...

I think he was looking at Bryan in this pic...he looks shocked at whatever he's doing. Sadly, this is a look he gives Bryan quite often :)
Blue steel...
This one CRACKS me up!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Knives and other "baby" toys

So my kid likes playing with all kinds of things that are not your typical baby toys. I mean, he is seriously DRAWN to dangerous things. Let me explain...if I'm unloading the dishwasher I have to watch him like a hawk because it never fails that he immediately reaches for the knives. What the heck?! He also loves metals poles (specifically the one that goes to the steamer) and actually anything that is metal and heavy. Weird!!

He also loves batteries (apparently the taste is delicious), electrical prongs (of course they go in the mouth too...lovely!) and razors. Yes RAZORS. AND HE LOVES TO PUT THEM IN HIS MOUTH. It's like as soon as he get's his little hands on one, straight into the mouth it goes! Yesterday I had to jump out of the shower and chase after him when he grabbed Bryan's razor.
I mean, seriously?! Gone are the days of take a relaxing shower...atleast when Garrison is awake :) This kid is quite the handful!! We sure do love him though!

I'm sure this post may want you to call CPS on us...but I promise we really do keep him safe!! :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bath time!

Here are some pictures of our bathing cutie...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Smarty Pants

Well it turns out that Garrison is a pretty smart little kid. Almost everyday that I drop him off at school, his teacher tells me how smart he is! Did I mention that I love Ms. Olivia? She is seriously amazed at all the words he says and how he uses them. He's even putting words together ("Garrison fell down!") which apparently is quite advanced for his age. I know I'm totally bragging, but I think it's awesome! I mean, we really didn't have a clue since he's our first so it's nice to hear from someone who is around children his age all the time. Pretty neat!

So this morning we were all hanging out and I had a napkin that I needed to throw away. Garrison picked it up and I told him that it was trash, thinking that he would put it down. Well he didn't...instead he went over to the pantry, opened the door and put the napkin in the trash can. He is a smart kid!! So I guess he not only got Bryan's looks, but his brains too...maybe we have another scientist on our hands!

Here's some recent pics:

Sitting at the table like a big boy...

Sometimes he likes to not only eat his food, but shampoo with it too!

Our kid has the best morning hair. I mean seriously!

Eatin' cake for Aunt Julie's birthday...
One of his favorite toys. Yes, a swiffer...
Garrison and Flip...

Flip was so good with him!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

One step closer...

to being with my baby more!! So I put in my notice at my current job this week (which was totally nerve wracking!) and it went well. They are of course sad to see me go, but understand that it's not personal. But I still feel like I broke up with hard!

I'll be starting my new position next month and am so excited! I mean, financially it's COMPLETELY scary, but it's totally worth it to be able to spend more time raising Garrison. Money just doesn't compare to time with very precious! And kids are only young for so long, ya know? I just don't want to live with any regrets and am SO glad I am taking this step :)

I'll post some recent pics of the little guy this week!