Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mmm! Mmm!
I am a major food lover as well, so this trait, he definitely gets from me! (Yay!) And let me tell you, he is serious about his food. It's so funny when he's in his highchair eating, he gets his "game face" on and cannot be bothered by anything other than the food on his tray. And don't even think about sitting him in there if his food is not ready. He gets MAD! When he is ready to eat, he is ready to eat...and I can totally identify with that!
Garrison is multicultural when it comes to food too. He likes Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Middle Eastern (hummus), and of course good 'ol American. I think his favorite is Mexican though...that's my boy!!
He also loves vegetables. Pretty much any veggie I put in front of him, he gobbles up! He especially likes broccoli and baby carrots. Hopefully he will not loose this love of vegetables.
Now I don't want you think that he only loves healthy food. He also LOVES, I mean LOVES ice cream. And although I love ice cream too, I think I have attribute this love to Bryan's genes rather than mine. Hmmm...maybe we'll do ice cream cake for someone's first birthday...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Children's Museum
Over the Christmas holidays, we went to the Children's museum and checked out all the cool stuff. Seriously, that place is amazing!! I think we could go there every week for at least a year and still not see all the stuff! So while we were there we went into the "Science" area and this is what happened...
He looks a little scared and confused but kind of excited too...maybe he'll be a scientist like his Dada!
By the way, this morning before we left the house, I had to go back into our bedroom and Garrison followed me in. As soon as we got into the room he said "Dada!" I think he's really calling us by name now. So cool!
Another side note...he is really walking now! Slow and little baby steps, but definetly walking! Oh and he's no longer eating "baby food." He has officially graduated to eating all table food. I know he's excited! I'll have to dedicate a whole post to my childs love of food...
We know when Garrison is tired when...
he makes this noise:
Isn't that funny?! He really isn't a very fussy guy, so I'll take this over crying any day!! He started doing this about 3 months of his many quirks. Love it!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
10 steps and counting
It's only a matter of time before Garrison's crawling days are over! This weekend he was a lot more adventurous with the walking. And he looked a lot more stable. I just love how excited he gets when he walks!
It is so fun watching him grow and change. Have I mentioned lately that I love being Garrison's mom? It's pretty much my most favorite thing I've ever been.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Naming our child
And we couldn't decide.
And finally it's the week that my C-section is scheduled AND WE STILL DIDN'T have a name picked out!! I was getting STRESSED. So 2 or 3 nights before the surgery we were sitting on the couch watching TV and I was on (or something like that) and I was just throwing names out to Bryan and Garrison was one that I said. We both liked it but moved on to look at other names.
So the night before the C-section Bryan said that he had made his decision...Garrison. Well at the time I was in pretty painful labor (yes, I went into the labor on my own the day before the surgery...crazy!) and couldn't think, much less make a life long decision like naming our child. So still no final name for the child that was going to be born in less than 12 hours!! Let me tell you...I NEVER thought I'd be in this position! I thought I'd have the name picked out months in advance. I guess Bryan and I both were afraid to's a really big decision, ya know?!
Well 9:30 am the next day our son was born...with no name. Once I got into recovery and I'm holding my sweet boy I'm like "Okay, we gotta name this kid." And Bryan said "I already told you my pick...what's yours?" And at that moment I just knew that this little baby's name was Garrison Bennett. And maybe it was also the fact that I had just gone through 18 hours of labor, surgery, and hadn't come up with anything else on my own. No but really, I love his name and it's just perfect for him.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy 11 months!!
So I am going to try to do a post every day leading up to the big birthday. I’m thinking pics throughout the past 11 months and just random things about Garrison. Hopefully I can do it!!
Here's the 1st random thing about him...
* He loves to EAT books. Sometimes he’ll look at them, but he’s WAY more interested in knawing on them. Our bedtime story time is really not much of a story time anymore!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Here we go!!
Other than the walking, he's gotta be cutting some more teeth because let me tell you...he has been CRANKY! Give him a teething biscuit or anything out of the freezer or fridge and he is much happier. I feel so bad for him...I know it's gotta be miserable. And on top of that when he woke up from his nap today his cheeks were bright red and he felt hot and sure enough, 101 fever. So it looks like we'll be going to visit our beloved pediatrician tomorrow.
Yesterday we had a fun day...a friend of mine brought her dog over for us to watch while she moved. Garrison just loves dogs so it was awesome to see them in action together. Here are some pics and video...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Easter eggs hunts and more!
Here he is in his "Easter-tastic" outfit. Bryan let me know that under no normal circumstances would our son ever wear this sweater vest. I think he looks dang cute!!