So the last couple weeks have been quite eventful...several more seizure episodes, 1 more trip to the ER, and 2 appointments with new pediatricians. Can I please tell you that I am SO ready for a "boring" week?!? Garrison is doing well though, despite it all. He is happy as can be, developing completely normal, and just so much fun to be around.
Okay, so I'm sure some of you are interested in the results of Garrison's EEG. 2 out of 3 doctors that looked at it said everything appears to be normal. 1 doctor saw a slight abnormality - a spot where his brain activity sped up faster than normal. So who knows. I'd like to have a neurologist take a look at it and tell me what they think. We do have an appointment with Texas Children's seizure clinic on Nov. 13th, so hopefully we can get more answers. I just feel good that all the tests have come back normal so far. That gives me hope that this is just something weird that he'll just grow out of and it won't have any negative effects on him.
So the last trip to the ER, 2 Friday's ago, the doctor thought that Garrison may have Sandifer's Syndrome - this really rare thing that happens to some babies due to the pain of reflux. Bryan and I aren't sold on this diagnosis. We can tell when his reflux is acting up. This is totally different. But, hey, we're not doctors.
The doctor suggested we try to capture an episode on video so that we can show our pediatrician and hopefully figure out what's going on. Luckily we haven't had an episode to video in 8 days! Yay!
So we went to meet a couple of pediatricians and I really liked both. We decided to go with Dr. Margaret Payne because she seems really proactive with this whole seizure thing. A couple hours after meeting with her I got a call from her nurse with the results of the EEG
and the direct line to the appoint guy at Texas Children's Neurology. I really appreciate good nurses and doctors.
Here are a few *new* things about Garrison:
- He's becoming very verbal, except it's more squealing than anything else!
- He's reaching for everything - cell phones, paper, earrings, bottled water, you name it - he wants it!
- He has started sucking his thumb and it's SO cute.
- He has found his feet and loves reaching for them.
- His favorite song is The ABC's. If he's crying and I start singing it, he stops to listen. I'm glad I figured out that trick!
- He's started teething, but no signs of a tooth yet, just lots of drool and knawing on things!
- He's really started laughing now. I'm trying to get it on video because it is just the best sound ever!
I'll post some new pictures this week. It's long over due!