Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Davis is here!

Our newest addition arrived last Wednesday at 12:08 pm...Davis Bryan DiCarlo. He weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 20 inches long. He is such a sweet boy and we love him so much! He is a seriously EASY baby - sleeping a ton and crying very little. I'm actually getting a good amount of sleep because he just eats and goes right back to sleep during the night feeds. Well, he also does that during the day too!

The adjustment of being a mom of 2 has been relatively easy so far since Davis is such a good sleeper. He really gives me the opportunity to give Garrison the attention he needs (and that I want to give him!). Now I know this will be short lived as D get's older (like next week!) but at least the initial adjustment has gone well.

The only thing that is really stressing me out right now is a messy house. Garrison is sooo good at making messes...toys EVERYWHERE! I'm trying to let go of this for the time being, but it's really hard. But the fact that I just had major surgery is forcing me to relax a little about this. Thank goodness Bryan is cleaning up every night too!!

I'll post some pics soon. For some reason blogger isn't letting me upload them!

Monday, May 16, 2011

He's almost here!!!

Well here I am...37 weeks pregnant! I mean geeze, my belly is HUGE.
On a brighter note, this is the week we get to meet our sweet boy! I seriously can't believe I'll be looking at his face in less than 2 days. Just amazing!! All the sheets, blankets and clothes are washed. The room is set up, the bassinet is by our bed. The big brother gift is wrapped and waiting for Garrison to open. We have TONS of diapers (thanks to my friends and co-workers!). We are ready for this kid!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

2 Year Check Up

Garrison and I headed to the pediatrician today for an early 2 year check up. Here are his stats!

32 lbs - 90%
34 1/2" - 57%

My little (BIG) man is doing great. I know I haven't updated the blog in FOREVER so here are a few things he's up to these days:
  • Talking up a STORM! He's a little parrot...soaking it all in. He's saying sentences that have up to 8 words. Pretty awesome!
  • He has a great sense of humor. Loves to laugh and be silly :)
  • He's sleeping in a big boy bed (although we still haven't mastered the whole bedtime routine in the new bed...some nights he's up WAY too late battling us!)
  • He loves riding his tricycle and uses the pedals now too.
  • He loves climbing...pretty much anything.
  • He still loves balls and can identify whether it's a basketball or football (his 2 favorite balls).
  • He's a big helper (well sort of) around the house...loves the broom, vacuum and REALLY LOVES Daddy's tools.
  • He also loves construction vehicles, garbage trucks and really any kind of truck. He's such a boy!!
  • He's a great eater...eating pretty much anything.
  • Something not so fabulous is that he's quite aggressive. He definitely does better with older kids...he can't push them around as easy! Consequently, he has LOTS of timeouts at school and home. I'm looking forward to him growing out of this phase!!
  • He's excited about being a big brother! He brings up baby all the time in conversation...although I'm still not sure he knows exactly what's about to happen!
Well I'm sure I'm leaving out a ton but those of some of the things that stand out the most for me. Overall, he's just an awesome little guy...constantly cracking us up!