Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DiCarlo Party of 5

That's right...we're having another baby!!'s a GIRL!!!  We are pretty darn excited about our final addition.  And pretty excited that we're switching it up this time with a sweet baby girl.  I mean, I LOVE my boys, but I really wanted a girl too.  Someone to have "girl time" with, someone that may not want to talk about bodily functions all the time, someone that I can put in DRESSES and BOWS!  Yay!

Here she is:

I'm due at the end June so I'm 5 1/2 months along.  The pregnancy has pretty uneventful (which I'm very thankful for!).  I felt less sick with this one than I did with the boys, but I did have a yucky feeling for a good couple months.  So glad that's over!

Now I'm enjoying the 2nd trimester and getting more and more excited about meeting this precious girl.  We are still working on the name and have narrowed it down to a few favorites...but we keep it a secret anyways  :)

Garrison is excited to have another sibling and is very interested in feeling my belly when the baby is moving. It is SO sweet!!  And Davis doesn't have a clue what's coming, although he did lift up my shirt the other day and kiss my belly and say "sissy".  So sweet!!

Well here's a pic of me at 24 weeks:

Yay for baby girl DiCarlo!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


These boys have SO.MUCH.FUN. together.  I love it!  (Of course they fight too..let's be honest!)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Davis is 20 months!

Davis turned 18 months old a couple months ago and I'm such a slacker blogger that I'm just now posting his stats.  So without further they are:

Height - 33.75" (85th %ile)
Weight - 25.5 lbs (43rd %ile)

Can you believe we have a tall and skinny baby??  Crazy!

I just took him to the doctor last week for a sick visit (a lovely virus) and he now weighs 28 lbs!

Davis is such a sweet, loving boy - he loves giving kisses and hugs.  And his kisses are just precious because he actually puckers up!

He is also getting some more words in his vocabulary and picking them up in a hurry!  He says "Me!" a lot - which means "mine" or "I want that!"  He calls me "mommy" now and it totally melts my heart.

He's also into EVERYTHING.  Seriously, if we leave the bathroom door open, there's no telling what kind of mess he'll make or what will end up in the toilet.  And does things while looking so innocent...we are in for it!

And speaking of messes, he LOVES playing in the dirt!  Every time he goes outside he ends up eating  some...and then remembers that it's disgusting!!  Haha  :)

He's a great sleeper sleeping about 11.5 hours a night with a 2 hour nap.

What he's not so good at is eating...we have a picky eater!  I'm hoping this is a quick phase, otherwise he's gonna go hungry because this mama doesn't make multiple meals!

He also loves music.  He dances the second any music comes on and it is hilarious!

Well here are some pics of when he was 18 the dirt of course!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Davis 1.25

I've been meaning to write a post about what Davis is up to these days and was hoping to have it closer to his first birthday...but clearly that has not happened.  So here we are at 15 months!

He is talking up a storm these days!  He says Mama, Dada, Bubba (with an emphasis on the second syllable...this is what he calls Garrison), Ball, Wow, Uh-Oh, More (well it kind of sounds like moy but we know what he means!), Boat, Milk, Quack Quack (more like what! what!) and Bye.  He is definitely not as verbal as Garrison was but he is catching up fast!

He loves the water - being in the pool or the bath tub.  He puts his face in, blows bubbles and is just super comfortable hanging out in the water.

He loves being in the dirt!  He is such a boy when it comes to this.  He just crawls around in it, sits in it and sometime even eats it!  If we are outside for any length of time he is generally covered in the stuff  :)   And speaking of being outside, he loves that too.  He cries SO hard when we take him in.  It's quite dramatic and traumatizing!

Davis is an EATER.  Seriously, the kid probably eats about twice as much food as Garrison on a daily basis.  It's quite impressive!  His favorite meal is probably my spaghetti but is loves pasta in general.

Davis is also Mr. Independent.   Now that he's walking he wants to be on his own two feet, going in the direction of his choosing.  And the kid also doesn't mind playing by himself.  He can just go off and entertain himself where as Garrison wanted someone to entertain him at this age.

And I can't forget to mention the beloved pacifer.  Oh how Davis loves it!  I wouldn't necessarily say that he absolutely needs it most of the time, but he sure does like it.  I'm sure I'll have to take it away at some point...but not yet!

And Davis LOVES his big brother.  He says Bub-ba! more than he says any other word.  He says it right when he wakes sweet!   And even through all the abuse that Garrison puts him through, Davis thinks he's pretty awesome.  They really have a lot of fun together at this point.  Garrison can make him laugh so hard!  As a mother, it is seriously one of the most amazing things to watch their friendship and love for each other grow.

Here are some recent pics of Davis...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Garrison at 3

Well Garrison is into quite a lot these days.  Anything that flies - helicopters, jets, and dragons.  Anything construction related - he literally yells "CONSTRUCTION!!!" every time he sees those orange cones or large yellow vehicles.  Anything having to do with yard work - the kid has a weed eater, blower and mower and LOVES to help Daddy out in the yard.  And anything that Davis has in his hands - ANYTHING!

Speaking of Davis, Garrison LOVES his little brother.  Right now he is OBSESSED with wearing matching pj's with Davis.  It is seriously the funniest thing!  Garrison tells us that Davis is his "best buddy" sweet!  Now don't be fooled, he can still be super rough with him, but he also thinks his brother is pretty awesome :)

His favorite meal is spaghetti.  He's still a great eater and eats whatever we eat.  He also LOVES candy and we're pretty sure he'd be happy eating that every day all day. 

He still sucks his thumb sometimes and LOVES his blankies.  Oh, the blankies!  The newest ordeal with them is that one got a small hole in it, so then that was his favorite (he has 3 identical blankies).  It was nearly impossible to wash it, so we made holes in the others as well.  Who would have thought we'd be cutting holes in these precious blankies?!?

Garrison is an outside kinda kid too.  He loves playing in the backyard, riding his bike on our walks, going to the playground, get the picture.  And speaking of swimming, he is doing so great this summer and has almost learned how to swim.  I'm so proud!!

He's also a social little guy making new "buddies" all the time.  He may start out a little shy, but then he warms up and it's on!  He has got one of the funniest little personalities too.  Such a great sense of humor!  And so silly too!

But it's not all roses being around my three year old.  He is quite the little toot too.  He has A LOT of opinions and wants what he wants when he wants it!  Unfortunately, he hasn't outgrown the tantrums although we keep telling him they don't work anymore.  And did I mention that he's high maintenance?  It's a good thing he's so darn cute  :)

Sleep...well Garrison still takes a 2 hour nap every afternoon (YAY!)

Here are some recent pics...

*wrote this post a couple months ago and forgot to post!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The evidence

So here is Davis just 3 days before he took off...

And here he was yesterday!

Friday, July 13, 2012

We have a walker!!

Yep, Davis WALKING!  Just shy of 14 months old, he started walking this week.  He's been so close for a while now and he finally went for it 2 days ago!  So exciting!  We had him pushing around his little walker toy quite a bit early in the week and I think that's what gave him the confidence to just get up and GO.  Yay Davis!!!